Why non-custodial matters
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Protect every
Bitcoin you have

Gain wealth the secure way. More than 100 million dollar have been lost or stolen through insecure technology.

App Demo Screen
Save smarter, Send faster, Protect better.
And additionally, save on unnecessary banking fees.

The project for NewFinance was initially created to built an absolute secure place for our money, protect it in volatile times and make it accessible no matter what. Now we want you to have that opportunity.

Invest and secure
your future

Because the inflation eats up your savings - every day.

Graph about Inflation and Bitcoin
Inflation-free new money as it is limited to 21M coins
Independent and free money for harder and volatile times
Money that is accessible worldwide and can’t be blocked

Use the power of bitcoin + the integration of banks

Sometimes it’s hard to use Bitcoin as independent money, when you get your paycheck per SEPA transfer and not bitcoin. That’s why we integrate banking features for bitcoin. So it’s easier for you.

Later next year

Own Bitcoin
in under 5 minutes

Buy, sell and send bitcoin nearly instantly. Up to 250 € without registration.

Buy Bitcoin at
the lowest costs

Bitcoin Screen
Beginning with 1 €
Card or bank transfer
Low fees

Worldwide transfers
with no extra fees

Transfer Screen
No extra fees
IBAN compatible
24/7 available

Easy money overview
with unlimited pockets

Later next year

Bitcoin Screen
Bitcoin pockets
Money pockets
Savings control

Move your money
to safety.

“Not your keys, not your coins” - Until now, our technology was only used by institutions to secure billions of dollars.

Graph about safety and Bitcoin

Our technology combines recovery protection with no seed phrase vulnerabilty by creating two encrypted secret shares.

Learn more about MPC security

We think money is something personal. We want money to be accessible everywhere and everytime. And it must be absolutely safe.

Do not speculate,
invest wisely

Dark Bitcoin

Save up to 100€ booking fees your bank normally charges. Compared to other networks - by using the lightning network - you safe up to 99% payment fees.

Lightning will come later next year

Frequently Asked Questions

Protect your
Bitcoin now

Everything you need to build your future wealth.
Get started in minutes.